Luke 2:10 “And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.”

Luke 2:11 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.”

When the angel appeared to the shepherds, he made a very outstanding statement. He said, “For unto you is born…” He told them explicitly that the Saviour was born just because of them.

He wasn’t born because of any other but because of this “lowly” shepherds. He didn’t even say Christ was born because of the rich, wealthy and powerful but just for this shepherds.

Like we said earlier, the shepherds were despised people in their days. People treat them next to leprous men. They stay mainly outside town, living in bushes with animals and smelling like them. They are not the typical guest people will want to have at their occasions and ceremonies.

They were even considered as animals in some quarters. They were the outcasts of the society and often forgotten.

Friend, I don’t know your state now. Perhaps you are one of the outcast, forgotten folks around. Maybe you’re despised, castigated and forsaken, I have news for you: You are on heaven’s radar!

Men may not reckon with you but heaven is interested in you. Unto you Christ was born. He came just for you! You matter to heaven. Your matter is uppermost on the agenda of heaven. God is still interested in your case.

The gift of Christ is heaven’s best and it has been released for you. Men may not invite you to their parties but God has summoned you to his banquet. The feast of heaven is better than whatever man can put together.

I want you to know that Jesus came for you. He saw you pains, rejection, frustration, sickness and anger, so he decided to leave his own comfort in heaven to be by your side and lift you to glory.

Remember, those shepherds didn’t remain in the field, they ran and embraced the call. They left and traveled to where Jesus was.

So, what will it be for you? Will you rather remain where you are or develop a close walk with the Saviour? The ball is in your court, Selah!

Love you BiG

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